Help transforming all Schools in Health Promoting Schools

We are looking for people who share our passion for making a difference in their local communities and to promote the WHO/UNICEF initiative of transforming all schools in Health Promotion Schools. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are from. If you are motivated to make a difference for the wellbeing of people anywhere in the world, we welcome you to become a “Friend of the AHI “ and work with us for the public benefit, to preserve and protect the health and to advance the education of people throughout the world.

“altruism benefits both the recipient and giver”

There is good scientific evidence demonstrating the significant positive impact altruism has on our well-being and health.

Do what you can

At AHI CIO we understand that everyone has a life and responsibilities that charitable work has to fit around.

Adopt a School

Whether you want to get active in your community, you can sponsor and mentor the implementation of the AHI Health Promoting School intervention or any individual intervention component of the programme in a school in your locality. You can lead on the implementation of the AHI Health Promoting School programme in a single school or in several schools in your locality. The AHI HPS model is simple, scalable and sustainable. It has been piloted and can be easily reproduced in other schools. The Affordable Health Research Centre virtual office offers support to its members to do the best work for everyone everywhere in the globe at no cost to maximise the benefit for schools and low-income communities worldwide.

You may fundraising, work in partnership with local government, and get support from other non-governmental organisations, and developing teams on the ground in your locality to implement the AHI HPS model in schools in your area.

For more details, please contact us

Research Opportunities

The AHI works in partnership with universities across the globe. Senior researchers may implement, run and evaluate the AHI HPS intervention as a whole or individual interventions. The Affordable Health Research Centre (AHRC) also offers opportunities to senior researchers to analise data sets and publish research papers, as well as for PhD candidates and MSc students to use the data in their research projects. You may request support from the AHI CIO Research Centre in carry out several research sub-projects associated with the implementation and/or evaluation of the impact of the AHI Health Promoting intervention in your locality. You may request statistical support from the AHRC to analise the data.

Become a “Friend of the AHI”

As a Friend of the AHI CIO you can make your voice heard, help your community to flourish, and share your experiences with others (AHI CIO Blog). AHI CIO is a UK registered charity, which believes in a world where all children rich or poor have the emotional, social and physical tools as well as structured support to access good mental and physical health and quality education to fulfil their potential.